Posts Tagged "Personal Injury"

Sleep Apnea Leading To More Trucking Accidents?

On behalf of The Law Offices of David L. Milligan posted in Motor Vehicle Accidents on Thursday, March 31, 2016.

Driver fatigue is a major factor in many accidents. Truck drivers are often under significant pressures to cover long distances in a short amount of time, which often means that they do not get enough rest before getting behind the wheel. Despite the strict rules that limit the amount of time truck drivers can be behind the wheel, there are still a number of crashes caused by drivers who have not been able to get adequate rest before getting back on the road.

One of the major reasons that these drivers are experience fatigue is that they are not getting quality rest. A recent study examined the impact of sleep apnea on truck driver accident rates, and it determined that a driver with untreated sleep apnea is five times more likely to be involved in a serious and preventable trucking accident.

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Is It Really Necessary To Hire An Attorney For My Accident Case?

On behalf of The Law Offices of David L. Milligan posted in Motor Vehicle Accidents on Monday, February 29, 2016.

Many people seriously injured in auto accidents face questions about what they should do with their personal injury claims. They start receiving offers from insurance companies and they might think that accepting these offers is a good way to save money, because they will not have to go through the process of paying an attorney to take on their case.

This is perhaps the worst mistake that you could possibly make, because you will have no one on your side, looking out for you. This posting discusses some of the extremely important reasons that you need to hire an attorney to handle your motor vehicle accident case.

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