June 2019 Archives

There were nearly 90 million dogs living in US households in 2017. With those kinds of numbers, it’s no wonder that dog bites requiring medical treatment occur in the hundreds of thousands each and every year. We love our pets, but sometimes a man’s best friend can be dangerous. Continue reading Compensation for a Dog Bite: Amounts…

You’re driving through a parking lot. You’re obeying all the stop signs and slowing down for the speed bumps. It’s a big parking lot, so it’s taking a while to get through it. Then, almost out of nowhere, another vehicle shows up, driving up out of your left-side blind spot and attempting to pass you. You’re completely shocked and startled by the car’s sudden appearance. And it’s close. Too close. And suddenly the vehicle hits yours with enough force to send you crashing into a nearby light post. Continue reading Is an Auto Accident Considered Negligence?…