July 2019 Archives

Your Rights: Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Fresno, CA

Motorcycle accident lawyer Fresno, CA

The leading cause of motorcycle accidents is the failure of a motorist to detect a motorcyclist in traffic. When this happens, it can lead to the serious injury of a motorcyclist.

Whether you are the motorist or the motorcyclist, you need to know your rights, your options, and the things to consider when hiring a motorcycle accident attorney in Fresno, CA.

Your Rights

It’s important that you know your rights regarding fault and claims after you experience a motorcycle accident. Check out the following:

  • Even if the traffic collision report made at the scene of your accident finds you to be at fault, you may still have a claim due to errors and biases.
  • The testimony of a reporting officer (who did not witness the accident) isn’t the last word when determining fault.
  • It may not be advisable to give a recorded statement to an insurance company before discussing the matter with a motorcycle accident lawyer in Fresno, CA.
  • Your insurance carrier has an obligation to act in good faith. This means they won’t care who is at fault and will just focus on getting you the proper insurance benefit payout.
  • California’s “Comparative Fault” law states that you may still be able to pursue and obtain a settlement even if you are partly at fault for an accident.
  • In California, you have two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit. However, if the lawsuit is against a government entity, the deadline is only six months.

What to Consider Before Hiring a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Fresno, CA

While it’s possible and economical to represent yourself for a small, uncomplicated claim, here are the reasons you should consider hiring an expert motorcycle accident lawyer in Fresno, CA when your case is less straightforward:

  • An attorney has special knowledge, skills, and experience that can help strengthen your position and prove you are not at fault.
  • An attorney can handle all the insurance and legal meetings, negotiations, court appearances, and paperwork, all while avoiding numerous roadblocks.
  • An attorney will listen carefully and offer much-needed support during this stressful time.
  • An attorney can not only increase the value of your claim, but can also help you recover a higher net amount.

Experiencing a motorcycle accident is a traumatic experience that can lead to serious, lasting effects both physically and financially. Proving you’re not at fault and receiving a settlement can help you recover what was lost.
If you’re curious to know if you have a case, contact The Law Offices of David L. Milligan today!

5 Signs That You Need an Injury Attorney in Fresno, CA

injury lawyer Fresno, CAIt may be a bit tricky to know if your unfortunate situation calls for the help of a personal injury attorney in Fresno, CA.

Are you in search of a reliable injury attorney in Fresno, CA? Determining whether your situation requires the assistance of a personal injury lawyer can be challenging. However, by recognizing the following five signs, you’ll know it’s time to make that crucial call.

1. Physical, Mental, or Financial Suffering

Regardless of the cause, the aftermath of damages can lead to significant and enduring pain. If you’re experiencing any of the following, it’s essential to reach out to a skilled injury lawyer in Fresno, CA:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Accumulating medical bills
  • Loss of income
  • Property damage

2. Risk Aversion

Filing a lawsuit involves certain risks, especially if you lack a qualified and patient injury lawyer by your side. By hiring your own attorney, you can protect yourself from the insurance company’s lawyers and avoid being coerced into accepting a low-ball settlement offer. Minimize the risks and maximize your chances of success.

3. Peace of Mind

During these challenging times, having complete and competent handling of your case can provide the peace of mind you deserve. You’ve already endured trauma and injury, so entrusting a lawyer with your case can be an immense relief. Rest assured that your legal matters are in capable hands.

4. Avoiding a Lengthy Process

While a swift resolution is ideal, lawsuits typically don’t reach a reasonable agreement quickly. In fact, it may take years to secure a fair settlement. Nonetheless, like crossing the finish line in a marathon, the results will be worth it. Your attorney will support you throughout the process, tirelessly working to ensure you receive the well-earned compensation you deserve.

Choose The Law Offices of David L. Milligan

If you’re seeking an experienced personal injury lawyer in Fresno, CA who genuinely cares about your best interests, look no further than The Law Offices of David L. Milligan. Contact us today for the assistance and support you need during this challenging period. We are here to help you navigate the legal complexities and advocate for your rights.